Wreck-It Ralph Collection
A computer-animated action-adventure comedy film series that follows the adventures of video game characters from Litwak's Family Fun Center & Arcade: Wreck-It Ralph, the antagonist of the arcade game Fix-It Felix Jr; Vanellope von Schweetz, a racer/glitch in Sugar Rush; Fix-It Felix Jr., a repairman who is the hero of Fix-It Felix Jr; Sergeant Tamora Jean Calhoun, the lead character of Hero's Duty and many other characters that are introduced along the way.
Number of Movies: 2
List of Movies from Wreck-It Ralph Collection
# | Name | Year | Country | Genres | IMDb Votes | IMDb Rating | Type | Status | CBFC |
1 | 2012 | United States of America | Adventure, Animation, Comedy, Family, Fantasy | 464341 | 7.7 | Movie | Released | PG | |
2 | 2018 | United States of America | Adventure, Animation, Comedy, Family, Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Sport | 186488 | 7 | Movie | Released | PG |